What mothers really want for Mother’s Day
Last minute Mother’s day gift that she will actually want!
You want to get her something special, but just like every other mother’s day, you know it’ll end up being a last minute dash to the shops, only to find the generic bunch of flowers and chocolate.
Well, if you’re a last minute yet big hearted kind of person, then I have you covered! I have created a little guide to help you to find a gift that is easy to do, caters for the last minute rush AND will get you the ultimate brownie points this year!
Just quickly, while I have you, I’m going to tell you why this GUIDE is the best.
1. I’m a Mum.
2. I know what Mum’s want
3. Mums know best…. so listen up.
Now just to be clear, mums really do appreciate the usual gifts. Tea and toast in bed, handmade gifts by the kids, and something special from our partner. And please. Get the kids to do these token gifts. She will love it.
This guide is from you to her.
At the end of the day, if you want to know what we really want, it always going to comes back to the same answer.
SPACE. Not necessarily, a weekend away, or even a few hours off.
We all need space for ‘ME in MOTHERHOOD.’
You know, before we were mothers, we were women. We had hobbies, passions, and interests. God forbid, some of us would even go as far to say we actually had a life!
Enter pregnant bellies, messy buns and of course our delicious little children. As much as we all love them and would never change it, it’s safe to say that every women will agree, our world gets turned upside down. Our Womanhood takes a back step and Motherhood well and truly takes over. Again, we are not complaining about being Mothers. We love it! But there comes a day where we look around and realise that we feeling a growing disconnect with our past life.
6 easy last minute gift ideas for the best Mum in the world!
1. Think back to things she used to love, maybe things you used to do together. Revisit a past date night, buy her favourite ice cream or the perfume she used to wear and show her that you remember what she loves.
2. Pour her a bath while she’s putting the kids to bed. Now, no Mother wants to lay in the bath when the kids are awake, running around making a menace. So have it ready for when the kids are in bed.
If nights don’t work for her, take the kids to the park. Now I will let you in on a secret here, the magic is in the detail. Make sure the bathroom is tidy, get rid of the washing basket, wipe over the basin and get the towels on the floor. Oh and put the bloody toilet seat down! Light a candle, put on some soft music, pour her wine and buy some beautiful bath salts, Oh and if you’re really invested, grab a good magazine from the shops (another suggestion here)
3. Maybe compile some of your old photos from past life adventures. Smart phones these days make it really easy put them in a little video with music. At the end you could say some thing like “I haven’t forgotten about us. We’ll get back there soon. For now, Thank you for being the most amazing Mother in the world.” – You’re welcome.
4. A simple card with words of appreciation. Not just the token ‘happy mothers day’. Put a bit of thought into it and acknowledge that she has out her life on hold. Mention the things she loves and remind her that she deserves to make space for this. Ok, I’ll stat you off…
“Being a mother is selfless. You have put so much on hold. I remember how much you used to….. (love dancing/invest in your art/ long beach sessions/ love playing sport on the weekend etc). I know it feels like a life time of sacrifice. I want you to know how much I appreciate the effort you put in. I see the positive outcome in our kids and home.
I know how much (XYZ) lights you up. Let’s make some space for that over the next year”
5. Why not try a Gift Voucher for Reiki? This is perfect for a Mother that needs to reconnect to their inner most self. Reiki is all about bringing the energy system back to a place of balance so you can live with a deeper sense of self. It’s great for helping women to develop confidence within motherhood and in turn, maintain calm within the chaos. You could say Reiki is a Mother’s day gifts that benefits the whole family!
6. Not sure about Reiki? Well, you can’t go wrong with a Massage! As Mum’s our body’s work damn hard and it’s no secret that we get physically exhausted. Holistic Massage is a beautiful way to reconnect, replenish and give back to our beautiful, hardworking body. Again, the whole family will benefit when Mumma feels her best!
So there you have it. 6 easy last minute gift ideas for the best Mum in the world!
If you live locally to Newcastle, why not bundle up the gift voucher, with a mag and packet of bath blend. Available for local pick up (Mayfield NSW) Swing by on your way home from work order online today or call me 0421194620