Does Reiki Promote Creativity?

You bet it does!!! And before I unpack this with you, I have to thank one of my regular and beautiful clients for inspiring this post. Even thought she’s a busy Mumma of three, this beautiful woman cannot deny her internal creative spirit. Using a range of different creative outlets, Lucy (we’ll call her for now) knows that she is living in flow when her mind is actively inspired and her hands are busy creating. Lucy has always proclaimed her creative projects to be her unique form of ‘self care’.

Originally Lucy leaned into the practice of Reiki for other reasons, but as the months have progressed and we today we sat in session and reflected on her journey. I can’t tell you how much this lights me up!

We realised that after every Reiki session, Lucy would get some fresh air, have a cuppa and feel called to revisit a past project.

The interesting thing is that she didn’t just feel called to get creative, she felt called to FINISH a project!!!

Now this is what I love!!!

We talked about how creative souls love to start projects, but often to get to a point where we lose interest, inspiration or simply feel a project come to a holt.

And why do we do this?

Well as Lucy so wisely put it… It’s our inner critic.

If a project isn’t finished then we can’t say we’ve failed.

If a project isn’t finished then we can’t sit in the uncomfortable state of imperfection.

And HOW exactly does Reiki come into it????

Well Reiki is a gentle yet profound modality that works to clear blockages and limiting beliefs.

In this case, after exploring it it seemed as though maybe Lucy was experiencing a lack of motivation due to an anticipated disappointment with her finish product. Not to mention busy mum life… Can we appreciate the effort she puts in already. What an inspiration!!

Reiki shifts stagnant energy which in turn creates space for us to experience clarity and confidence in our abilities. So in this case, we focused on the solar plexus and Sacral Chakra, in turn this meant that we are able to nurture the sense of self and the feelings such as ‘I am enough’ (‘my art is enough’) that can sometimes hold us back.

So in short, Reiki help to ignite our creative spirit by supporting our energy system at a deeper level. When we feel restored and balanced from the inside, it allows us to be more effective with our time, aka our creative capacity grows!!!

And when we look at the big picture, there are many ways reasons that we experience creative blocks.

  • Brain fog

  • Overwhelm

  • Fatigue

  • Imagination block

  • Unable to feel, connect to or express feelings

  • Feeling unsafe to let go

  • Needing to measure success or seeking external validation

  • Unable to focus

  • Lack of self worth

All of these points above can be supported by Reiki. And I can tell you know, the effects will overflow into many areas of your life, not just your creativity! I wonder if anything here resonates with you?

This beautiful woman, is receiving more than she signed up for with Reiki, she sees that regular Energy healing is amplifying her her creative time; her true ‘self care’. It’s encouraging her to take inspired action and be more effective with her time. Not only is Reiki helping Lucy to finish projects but it’s supporting her to feel a deeper sense of satisfaction and fulfilment with her finished pieces.

If you are a creative soul that gets overwhelmed or lost in your ideas or you experience creative blocks that stop you from expressing your best, then why not give Reiki a go!

Oh and a quick side note; throughout our Reiki Sessions, I use specific pure essential oils for their energetic and emotional properties. This further supports your experience by encouraging you to leave feeling motivated and inspired. Sounds good right?

Click on the button below to book!


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