Reiki during pregnancy

Oh Gosh, pregnancy…. What a beautiful, miraculous, sacred yet sometimes overwhelming time of life.

While it comes with all the beauty of a Goddess, Pregnancy can also bring up many of the things we are due to face. Perhaps insecurity around body changes, self doubt about motherhood and most often fears around birth.

If you are pregnant and experiencing any kind of worry or internal stress, please know that you are not alone and there will always be someone there to help. The best thing you can do is find a soft landing, someone you feel safe to speak to.

Reiki, being a gentle, non invasive and completely safe modality is very supportive for Mums-to-be because it helps us navigate any of the above concerns.

Not only does Reiki help to ease your worries, it has a range of other benefits for both you and your bub.

  1. Strengthen intuition - Reiki is fantastic for helping to strengthen your intuiton which is a mother’s super power. So often we get lost and experience self doubt in the early days of motherhood. But Reiki helps you to turn inward and trust your inner knowing rather that relying on external advice of validation.

  2. Space for bonding - We in such a fast paced world. And sometimes that 9 months can fly past and before you know it, you're birthing your baby. Reiki gives you time to slow down and bond with your baby because it’s the quiet time that really allows you to pause and communicate with your bub.

  3. Physical rejuvenation - Reiki helps to restore the cells in your body by guiding you into a rest and digest state. If you’re feeling stretched and weighted down, Reiki can help to bring a sense of ease and lightness back into your body.

  4. Mental clarity - Brain fog anyone? Your body is working in overdrive, creating a human… it’s no wonder the brain is taking a wack. Reiki helps to bring clarity into the head space by clearing any stagnant or unneeded energy around the head, making space for much clearer view.

  5. Building trust in body - The changes in your body are extreme through pregnancy and it’s easy to full out of trust as you lose ‘control’ of whats happening. the good news is that women have been birthing since the beginning of time and you, my love are designed to do this! Reiki is great for helping to bring you back into your body and form a deep, energetic level of trust in self which will help you and your baby to feel safe and supported as you move through the stages of pregnancy, birth and the early days of pregnancy.

  6. Support sleep - Feeling a tad uncomfortable? Sleep not so good? Reiki not only gives you time to completely surrender and seek rest (or sleep) throughout your session, it actually sets you up for a more easeful nights sleep once you return home. Being propped up with an abundance of pillows, blankies and utter TLC, you are bound to sink into the best rest you’ve had throughout pregnancy.

  7. Increase a sense of Presence - As we near birth, sometimes it’s easy to get lost in the anticipation and hype of what’s about to happen. But if you’re able to go inward and sit comfortably in the stillness of your baby and body, it is extremely beneficial your transition into motherhood.

How does all this feel to you? How is it landing in your body? if you would like ti give Reiki a try for your pregnancy journey, please have a look at my upcoming availibities, or jumpon my wait list by contacting me via instagram.


Finding flow within motherhood with Reiki


What to expect in a Reiki Session