What to expect in a Reiki Session

Firstly, every Reiki Practitioner will offer a different kind of service and session, we all come to the practice with our own gifts and this determines our approach. It’s important to find someone that you feel comfortable with. Check out their socials, their website and maybe even give them a call. You’ll know pretty quickly whether that practitioner feels right for you.

Now let’s see what you can expect in a Reiki session with me!

First up - Tea and grounding. This is the way I open any session in the studio. Giving you time to wash away the busy morning, settle the nervous system and allow you to energetically arrive. 

If it is your first session, I will ask you to come 5 minutes early to fill out an initial intake form. And from there this will give us time chat and unpack your reasons for coming. 

Please know that any reason for Reiki is valid, even if it’s simply feeling curious. We can keep it as light or go as deep as you need.

While some people use Reiki as a deep healing tool, other simply use it as a tool for calming the nervous system by soaking up the silence and using the time to recharge. Whatever your reason, I believe that if you're feeling called to explore Reiki, then there’s a reason. All you need to do is answer the call.

After a light consult, we decide on an intention and use this as our focus throughout the session. It gives you an anchor to lean on throughout your session and allows you to get extra value by taking home clear measure of your experience.

In session, you will remain fully clothed (I suggest wearing something comfy) and I will tuck you up, all nice and cosie on the bed.

With an optional eye pillow and soft music, before you know it, you’ll feel right at home. I will always guided you into session with some words. This is experienced as a light mediation or visualisation and really helps to calm the busy thoughts and bring you to a place of presence in order to get the most value out of your Reiki Session.

Yes many of my clients find themselves drifting off to sleep mid session and this is perfectly fine. As we all know, the body heals when we rest, and if you fall asleep, I trust this is exactly what you need. When we sleep within a Reiki Session, it’s as though you are having a super charged full nights sleep.

 If you manage to stay awake through session, you’ll notice I have a hands on approach to Reiki. Everyone experiences Reiki differently, but to start, mostly you will feel the warmth in my hands, followed by an evolving sense of peace and relaxation.

Some clients are more visual - seeing different colours or symbols, all of which I will help you to understand at the end of your session.

Often clients will report of experiencing memories, or visuals, described as a movie montage or dream. The things that come to us throughout the stillness are often the intuition or higher self making meaning or sending a much needed message. Again, I will help you to unpack at the end of the session.

I use pure essential oils aromatically to support whatever is presenting within your energy system and at the beginning will offer to make you a personalised roller to take home. Clients love using these rollers as tangible reminder and tool for continuing the growth and healing at home.

As we come to the close, I will bring you back with some words and being a Massage therapist I have the ability to offer an extra head Massage at the end of each session.. We hold so much tension in our scalps, and by honouring this part of your body, it allows you to transition back feeling a light and clear. This is completely optional, something we discuss at the start of session. 

Once we have finished your time of the Reiki bed, I will leave the room for a few moments to give you time in your own energy before making your way back to the lounge chairs. I’ll come back and we can unpack anything that has come up for you and talk about how you can take this home.

Clients usually notice instant changes after their first session, especially noticing a deeper sleep the night of session. I always encourage clients to notice the subtle changes in the days following. Perhaps we become less reactive, feel more centred or in tune with our gut. 

My intention is to always send you home feeling empowered over your healing and so I make sure to encourage a continued connection to your intention. Sometimes I may give a little piece of homework or insight.

While there is no minimum requirement for Reiki to be beneficial, it may take a few sessions to resolve any deep seeded issues. 

And the BEST way to receive Reiki is… regularly. Think of it as a your monthly tune up. Bringing you back to earth when life gets on top of you. Maybe even link it in with your cycle or the moon. As Women, finding tools to support us when we have PMS is paramount. Some people use Reiki as a tool for letting go and making space for new beginnings. 

If you have more questions about Reiki, head over to our FAQ’s page , check out 10 things you need to know about Reiki , Come join me over on Instagram @withkatiestephenson or send me through an email, I’d be more than happy to chat.


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